When you are tasked with planning an event, there are thousands of things to consider. Partnering with ATR will greatly reduce that list of considerations.
Our professional technicians can even stay on site throughout your event to take away the stress of technology and ensure that your event goes well and you look good in front of your audience.
To help your planning process, below are a few questions to get you started and we will help you with the rest. Our job is to reduce stress and enhance your event so you can focus on what you do best.
• What is the purpose of your event? (informative, educational, fund raiser, entertainment)
• Are you planning a small, medium or large event? (i.e. 0-99 people, 100-499 people, > 500 people)
• What type of event are you planning (i.e. business summit, trade show, video conference)?
• Have you thought about where your event will be held (i.e. hotel, conference center, coliseum, outside)?
• When will your event take place (i.e. all day, lunch-time, week-day)?
• What is your budget?